Not Meeting Your Health & Fitness Goals? Why it Might Be Time to Call in The Professionals.
Check out this helpful guest post (linked & below!) from one of our partners, DEXA SCAN:
Do you have things you want, financially, mentally & physically? Like most people, I’m sure the answer is a resounding YES!
Often people have high expectations, but when the reality of doing what it takes to achieve the goal. The steps/work/effort aren’t clear or become overwhelming and they aren’t sure where to start. That’s why it is so important to set a MAJOR Goal, with attainable benchmarks at predetermined dates.
For example, let’s say your goal is to run a 5K in 90 days, but you have NEVER run in any race before.
Where do you start? On Day 1 do you attempt to run 3.1 miles? HECK NO! The best solution would be to start by pacing yourself and run/walk a short distance, adding to this each day until day 90 when you are running more than you are walking. There are many resources available on how to achieve your running goals. Ones that we love are Couch to 5K and Running for Beginners Both of these are easily accessible and provide great strategy.
With other goals, it may not be so easy to find the right solution.
Weight loss is an excellent example, there are so many solutions available in the market but how do you know if it will work for you? Realistically, you don’t know until you try it but many of the diets identified here by US NEWS HEALTH provide short term effects and sometimes even worsen your health. For example, many people claim the KETO DIET has helped them lose weight & improve athletic performance but there are many risks associated with KETO as well and the long term effects on the body have not been determined either.
With so many options and each person’s body, goals completely different, it is often best to hire a Registered Dietitian (RD or RDN). An RD is a health professional who has special training in diet and nutrition. Registered dietitians offer advice on nutrition and healthy eating habits to help people improve their health, well-being and achieve fitness goals.