Nutrition in Motion


Moving toward a Healthier you!

Appointments in-person or online across Ohio!



Lyndsie N. Romes, MFN, RD, LD

Specialties: Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating, Chronic Dieting, Malnutrition, Orthorexia, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Picky Eating

Licensed in: Ohio

Appointments Available: Via Telehealth

Request an Appointment with Lyndsie! 

Rachel Guggenheim

Rachel Guggenheim, MS, RD

Specialties: Eating disorders, disordered eating, functional medicine, osteoporosis, food intolerances, women's health, heart health, general wellness, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, weight management and meal planning. 

Licensed in: Florida, Ohio

Accepting clients via: Telehealth

Request an Appointment with Rachel!

Crystal Seals

Crystal Seals RDN, LD, CDCES

Specialties: Adult Diabetes Management Types 1 & 2, Pre Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Weight Management, Digestive Health, Chronic Disease Prevention, Heart Health and Overall Wellness.

Location(s): OH; Telehealth

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Lindsey Fausnaugh RD, LD

Specialties: Wellness, Healthy Weight Loss/Weight Management, Diabetes Prevention and Management, Heart Health, Digestive Health and GI Disorders (i.e. IBD, IBS, Celiac, GERD).

Location(s): Mount Sterling, OH; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Lindsey!

Marta Graham

Marta Graham, MS, RDN, LD, RYT-200

Specialties: Integrative and Functional Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Disease Management, Allergies and Immunity, Diabetes Prevention & Management, Chronic Disease Prevention & Management including Autoimmune Disease, Mind Body Wellness and Yoga, Intuitive Eating

Locations: NC; OH; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Marta!


Heidi Morrissey (Foster), RD, LD

Specialties: Hormonal Imbalances (PCOS), GI disorders (i.e. IBS, SIBO, IBD, Celiac), and overall health/Intuitive eating, learning how to meal plan and create a balanced plate.

Locations: Cincinnati, OH; KY; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Heidi! 

Courtney Barth

Courtney Barth, MS, RD, LD, CPT

Specialties: Autoimmune, digestive health, food allergies, sports/exercise nutrition, prenatal/pregnancy/post-partum/lactation nutrition, Functional nutrition

Locations: Willoughby, OH; MI; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Courtney!

Tirzah Thompson

Tirzah Mpagi (Thompson), MS, RDN, LD

Specialties: Eating disorders and disordered eating, intuitive eating, GI disorders (i.e. IBS, SIBO, Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease), hormonal imbalances (i.e. PCOS), and general wellness counseling to support healthy behavior change.

Locations: West Chester Township, OH, KY; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Tirzah!


Erin Welch, RD, LD

Specialties: Disordered Eating Patterns and Eating Disorders, Anorexia Nervosa, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Chronic Dieting and/or Compulsive Exercise, Intuitive Eating and Movement, Health At Every Size, Malnutrition Identification and Nutritional Rehabilitation, Body Image, LGBTQ+ Friendly Provider.

Location: Columbus, OH; Tele-Health

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