Moving Toward a Healthier You
Leadership Team
Jennifer Wall Director of Operations
Alexandra Regalado, RDN
Specialties: Chronic disease prevention and management, weight management, pre-diabetes and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, prenatal/postpartum nutrition, gestational diabetes, women’s health (PCOS, endometriosis, menopause), plant-based nutrition, mindful eating, behavior change, and meal planning.
Locations: Silicon Valley, CA; Tele-Health
Brittany Adelman, MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Functional Medicine, Mental Health and Mood Disorders, Gut Health, Food Sensitivities, Hormonal Health, Mindful and Intuitive Eating, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Management
Location(s): Denver, CO; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Michelle Irvin, RD, CDN, CDCES
Specialties: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) management, diabetes management – Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES), heart health, meal planning and weight management.
Locations: CT; Tele-Health
Kristine Miklos, MS, RD, LDN
Specialties: Chronic disease management, weight loss/management, gastrointestinal diseases (including but not limited to; low fodmap, IBS-C/D, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, Colitis), gastroparesis), cardiovascular health, diabetes prevention/management, meal planning, and food allergies.
Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Washington DC
Accepting Clients Via: Telehealth
Laura Ames, RD, LD, RYT
Specialties: Women’s health, family nutrition, pregnancy and postpartum nutrition, fertility nutrition, intuitive eating and mindfulness.
Locations: Delaware Telehealth
April Callahan RDN, LDN
Specialties: Weight Management, diabetes prevention and management, chronic disease prevention, women’s health.
Locations: DE; MD; Workiste Wellness; Tele-Health
Stephanie Nicholson, MS, RDN, LDN, CLT
Specialties: Diabetes management, kidney disease management, eating disorders, weight management, gut health, food sensitivities (migraines, IBS, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia), heart health (blood pressure, cholesterol), women’s health (perimenopause, menopause), meal planning.
Locations: Tampa, FL; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Erica Cirovic, RD, LD
Specialties: weight management and weight loss, bariatric surgery, chronic disease management and prevention, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, wellness.
Locations: Plantation, FL; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Eduardo Gonzalez, MS, RD, LDN
Specialties: Diabetes education and management, prediabetes, renal and cardiovascular diseases, GI health, weight management, holistic nutrition, and general health & wellness
Location(s): FL; TeleHealth
Rachel Guggenheim, MS, RD
Specialties: Eating disorders, disordered eating, functional medicine, osteoporosis, food intolerances, women’s health, heart health, general wellness, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, weight management and meal planning.
Licensed in: Florida, Ohio
Accepting clients via: Telehealth
Lindsey Fausnaugh RD, LD
Specialties: Wellness, Healthy Weight Loss/Weight Management, Diabetes Prevention and Management, Heart Health, Digestive Health and GI Disorders (i.e. IBD, IBS, Celiac, GERD).
Location(s): Mount Sterling, OH; Tele-Health
Julie Avery RDN, LDN, CLC
Specialties: Medical Nutrition Therapy, Prenatal/postpartum nutrition, gestational diabetes, lactation nutrition and counseling, women’s health, infant nutrition, pediatric nutrition, food allergies and intolerances, chronic disease prevention and management (heart, cardiovascular, brain, kidney, liver), gastrointestinal diseases (IBS and IBD) and digestive health, diabetes management, Healthy At Every Size® approach to weight management.
Licensed in: Florida
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth; In-Home Visits (within 30 minutes of St. Augustine, FL)
Ariel Faulkner RD, LD
Specialties: Weight Management, Functional & Integrative Nutrition, Digestive Disorders (IBS, IBD, Food Sensitivities), Children’s Nutrition, Women’s Health, Wellness & Disease Prevention.
Location: Sarasota, FL; Telehealth
Greer Burcky, MS, RDN/LDN, CPT
Specialties: Overall wellness, functional nutrition, weight loss, weight management, oncology nutrition
Location: Naples, FL; Telehealth
Luanna Rivera, MS, RD, LD
Specialties: Functional nutrition, mindful eating, plant-based nutrition, general wellness, weight management and meal planning, bariatric surgery, chronic disease management, digestive disorders, oncology, geriatrics, pediatric nutrition, child feeding dynamics, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, women’s health, athletic performance and sports nutrition.
Locations: Plantation, FL; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Elizabeth (Liz) Gilbane, RD, RDN, LDN
Specialties: Weight Management, Chronic Disease Management, General Health and Wellbeing.
Licensed In: Florida
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
Arlen Marin MS, RDN, LDN
Specialties: Diabetes Management and Prevention, Prevention and Management of Chronic Illnesses, Weight Management, Healthy Eating for You and Your Family, Pregnancy and Nutrition
Licensed in: Florida
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
Reed Zatlow, MS, RD
Specialties: Functional Medicine/Nutrition, Functional Movement/Exercise Programming, autoimmune disorders, food intolerances/allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal imbalances, weight loss, health coaching/behavior changes, addiction treatment/therapy, Military Veteran Health Issues
Licensed In: Florida
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
Nyela Schutt, RD, LD
Specialties: Weight management, diabetes, chronic disease prevention and management, heart health, meal planning.
Locations: Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Request an Appointment with Nyela!
Pamela Roney, RDN, LDN
Specialties: Weight management, chronic disease prevention, diabetes management, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, gastrointestinal
Locations: Tampa, FL; Tele-Health
Alexis Jones, MS, RDN, LD
Specialties: Weight management, sports nutrition, meal planning, chronic disease prevention & management, mindful eating, bariatric surgery
Locations: Portland, ME; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Meghan Field, RD, LDN, FAND
Specialties: Gut Health, Low FODMAP Diet, food sensitivities, weight management and weight loss, chronic disease prevention and management (including but not limited to diabetes, cardiovascular, and kidney health) adult and geriatric nutrition, with an interest in functional nutrition.
Locations: Scarborough, ME; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Katie Badger, MS, RDN, LDN, CLC
Specialties: Adults and Pediatrics; Intuitive Eating; Disordered Eating; Fertility; Polycystic ovary syndrome; Pre and Postnatal Nutrition; Gestational Diabetes; Prediabetes; Type 2 Diabetes; Hyperlipidemia; Raising intuitive eaters; starting solids; picky eating; pediatric growth concerns.
Licensed In: Massachusetts
Appointments Available via: Telehealth
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JenniLee Mark, MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Pediatric Nutrition and Feeding Disorders, Picky Eating, Mindful Eating, Intuitive Eating, Sports Nutrition, GI Health, Diabetes, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Meal Planning and Guidance, Stress Management and Wellness.
Licensed In: New Hampshire & Massachusetts
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
Request an Appointment With JenniLee!
Shelby Chirnside (Dudley), MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Mindful and Intuitive Eating, Body Positivity, Personalized Meal Planning, Meal Preparation Guidance, General Wellness, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Management.
Licensed in: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island
Appointments available: Bedford, NH; Online Telehealth
Kelly Daigle Millan, MS, RD, CLC
Specialties: Pediatric & family nutrition, Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), prenatal nutrition, food allergies, pediatric gastrointestinal conditions, tube feeding, picky eating
Licensed In: Massachusetts
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
Kristine Miklos, MS, RD, LDN
Specialties: Chronic disease management, weight loss/management, gastrointestinal diseases (including but not limited to; low fodmap, IBS-C/D, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, Colitis), gastroparesis), cardiovascular health, diabetes prevention/management, meal planning, and food allergies.
Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Washington DC
Accepting Clients Via: Telehealth
Caitlin McGinley MS, RD, LD
Specialties: Sports and Performance Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Digestive Health, Custom Meal Planning, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Loss and Weight Management, and Goal Setting.
Locations: MA; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Brittany Adelman, MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Functional Medicine, Mental Health and Mood Disorders, Gut Health, Food Sensitivities, Hormonal Health, Mindful and Intuitive Eating, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Management
Location(s): Denver, CO; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Jeanette Schaible, RD, LD, CLC Creative Nutrition, LLC
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management, meal planning, digestive issues, mindful eating, body positivity, food enjoyment, family health, wellness
Locations: Stoughton, MA; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Heather Waldie, MS, RDN, LDN
Specialties: Functional medicine, autoimmune disorders, food intolerances/allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal imbalances, weight loss, health coaching/behavior changes, eating disorders.
Location: Haverhill, MA; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health.
Christine Huntley, RDN, LDN
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, chronic disease prevention and management, family nutrition, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, pediatric nutrition, gastrointestinal diseases and digestive health, with an interest in functional nutrition.
Locations: Wenham, MA; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Kylie Lebel, RDN, LD
Specialties: weight management, gut health, meal planning, chronic disease management, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease management, chronic inflammation management, emotional & mindful eating
Locations: MA; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Jaclyn Fodor, RD, LD Recruitment Coordinator
Specialties: Meal planning, mindful eating, weight management, chronic disease management, digestive disorders, family and child feeding dynamics, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, food sensitivities and women’s health
Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth; in your Workplace!
New Hampshire
Michelle Horan, RD, LD
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, oncology nutrition, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management
Locations: Derry, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Braelynne Jurius, RDN, LD
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, mindful eating, chronic disease prevention/management, general wellness, behavior change, diabetes, Low FODMAP/IBS, women’s health, fitness nutrition, food allergies and intolerances.
Licensed in: New Hampshire
Appointments Available: Online Teleheatlh
JenniLee Mark, MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Pediatric Nutrition and Feeding Disorders, Picky Eating, Mindful Eating, Intuitive Eating, Sports Nutrition, GI Health, Diabetes, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Meal Planning and Guidance, Stress Management and Wellness.
Licensed In: New Hampshire & Massachusetts
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
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Suzanne Eastwood, RD, LD
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, pregnancy and post-partum nutrition, gestational diabetes, peri and post menopausal nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management
Locations: Amherst, NH; Bedford, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Caitlin McGinley MS, RD, LD
Specialties: Sports and Performance Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Digestive Health, Custom Meal Planning, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Loss and Weight Management, and Goal Setting.
Locations: MA; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Danielle Ewing (Bourgeois), RDN, LD
Specialties: Gastrointestinal disorders/gut health, behavior modification, exercise & sports performance nutrition, meal planning and preparation
Licensed in: New Hampshire
Appointments Available: Via Tele-Health
Samantha DeMello, RD, LD Professional Development Coordinator
Specialties: Disordered Eating/Eating Disorders, Mindful Eating, Intuitive Eating, Disease Prevention and Management, Low FODMAP/IBS, Plant Based Diets, Weight Management, Stress Management, Food Sensitivity, Meal Planning/Menu Building, LGBTQIA+ friendly provider
Locations: Wakefield, RI; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Laura Ascenzi, RDN, LD, CSSD, CPT Program Development Coordinator
Specialties: Sports nutrition, weight loss and weight management, chronic disease prevention and management
Licensed in: New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
Appointments available: Online Telehealth
Briana Bruinooge, RD, LD, CSSD, Certified Personal Trainer
Specialties: Performance nutrition for athletes, weight management, meal planning, motivation/goal setting and positive body image awareness
Locations: Portsmouth, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Eileen Pierro, MEd, RD, LD
Specialties: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders of Adolescents and young adults, Informed Family Based Treatment for Adolescents with Eating Disorders, cholesterol and high blood pressure management, type 2 DM, Intuitive Eating
Location(s): Portsmouth, NH; Tele-Health
Patricia Murray, MeD, RD, LD
Specialties: Pediatric nutrition, special dietary needs for children, food allergies, peri and post menopausal nutrition, weight loss and weight management, chronic disease prevention and management
Licensed in: New Hampshire
Appointments Available via: Tele-Health
Holly Brassett MS,RD, LDN,CDE
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, pre-diabetes, diabetes, cardiac health and general nutrition
Licensed in: New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
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Jaclyn Fodor, RD, LD Recruitment Coordinator
Specialties: Meal planning, mindful eating, weight management, chronic disease management, digestive disorders, family and child feeding dynamics, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, food sensitivities and women’s health
Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth; in your Workplace!
Jeanette Schaible, RD, LD, CLC Creative Nutrition, LLC
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management, meal planning, digestive issues, mindful eating, body positivity, food enjoyment, family health, wellness
Locations: Stoughton, MA; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Gina Bates MS, RD, LD
Specialties: Chronic disease management and prevention, weight management, family nutrition, meal planning and preparation, motivation and goal setting
Locations: Bedford, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Shelby Chirnside (Dudley), MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Mindful and Intuitive Eating, Body Positivity, Personalized Meal Planning, Meal Preparation Guidance, General Wellness, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Management.
Licensed in: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island
Appointments available: Bedford, NH; Online Telehealth
Carrie Lyons, MS, RDN, LD
Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, intuitive eating, health coaching, chronic disease prevention, cardiovascular disease, wellness, family nutrition
Locations: Dover, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Kristine Miklos, MS, RD, LDN
Specialties: Chronic disease management, weight loss/management, gastrointestinal diseases (including but not limited to; low fodmap, IBS-C/D, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, Colitis), gastroparesis), cardiovascular health, diabetes prevention/management, meal planning, and food allergies.
Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Washington DC
Accepting Clients Via: Telehealth
New York
Emily Buchholtz, RD, CDN, CSO
Specialties: General Wellness, Behavior Change & Emotional Eating, Weight Management, Vegan & Vegetarian Diets, Anti Inflammatory Diets, Cancer (including symptom management during treatment and cancer survivorship), Prediabetes, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Gastrointestinal Disorders (Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, GERD)
Location(s): Manhattan, NY; Tele-Health
Tiffany Ong, RDN, CDN
Specialties: Sports Nutrition, Weight Loss, Sustainable Nutrition, Intuitive Eating.
Locations: NY; Tele-Health
Jacqueline Wyman MS, RDN, CDN
Specialties: General health and weight maintenance, weight loss, meal planning, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention, gastrointestinal disorders, low FODMAP, gut health, PCOS, cardiovascular health, pre-diabetes and diabetes management, nutrition for mental health, breast cancer nutrition support and survivorship.
Location(s): Westchester, NY; Tele-Health
Justine Rosado, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES and Mabel Lee, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES The Nutrition Queens
Specialties: General Wellness, Diabetes, Weight Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Pregnancy Nutrition
Licenced in: New York
Jeanette Giacinto, MS, RD, CDN
Specialties: Functional Nutrition, General Wellness, Weight Management, Women’s Health (Fertility, PCOS), Hormone Support, Gut Health, Gastrointestinal Disorders (IBS, IBD, GERD)
Licensed/Certified In: New York
Appointments Available: Via Telehealth
Chelsea Oarr, RD, CDN
Specialties: Eating Disorder Recovery (AN, BN, BED, ARFID, OEDNS); Meal Prep & Planning (Budget Conscious), Intuitive Eating; Weight Management; Behavior Change & Emotional Eating; Sports Nutrition; Chronic Disease Prevention
Location(s): NYC; Tele-health; Worksite Wellness
Sinem Gunes-Cetinkaya, MS, RD, CDN, RYT-200
Specialties: Weight Management; Digestive Issues; Diabetes; Health Coaching; Behavior Modification
Licensed in: New York
Accepting Clients: Via Telehealth
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North Carolina
Nyela Schutt, RD, LD
Specialties: Weight management, diabetes, chronic disease prevention and management, heart health, meal planning.
Locations: Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
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Marta Graham, MS, RDN, LD, RYT-200
Specialties: Integrative and Functional Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Disease Management, Allergies and Immunity, Diabetes Prevention & Management, Chronic Disease Prevention & Management including Autoimmune Disease, Mind Body Wellness and Yoga, Intuitive Eating
Locations: NC; OH; Tele-Health
Christiane Matey, MSHS, RDN, LDN, ABAAHP
Specialties: Weight management, gastrointestinal issues, mold/mycotoxin Illness, autoimmune diseases, hormone balance, sports nutrition, autoimmune disease
Location(s): Mooresville, NC; Tele-Health
Lindsey Fausnaugh RD, LD
Specialties: Wellness, Healthy Weight Loss/Weight Management, Diabetes Prevention and Management, Heart Health, Digestive Health and GI Disorders (i.e. IBD, IBS, Celiac, GERD).
Location(s): Mount Sterling, OH; Tele-Health
Marta Graham, MS, RDN, LD, RYT-200
Specialties: Integrative and Functional Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Disease Management, Allergies and Immunity, Diabetes Prevention & Management, Chronic Disease Prevention & Management including Autoimmune Disease, Mind Body Wellness and Yoga, Intuitive Eating
Locations: NC; OH; Tele-Health
Tirzah Mpagi (Thompson), MS, RDN, LD
Specialties: Eating disorders and disordered eating, intuitive eating, GI disorders (i.e. IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease), hormonal imbalances (i.e. PCOS), and general wellness counseling to support healthy behavior change.
Locations: West Chester Township, OH, KY; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Erin Welch, RD, LD
Specialties: Disordered Eating Patterns and Eating Disorders, Anorexia Nervosa, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Chronic Dieting and/or Compulsive Exercise, Intuitive Eating and Movement, Health At Every Size, Malnutrition Identification and Nutritional Rehabilitation, Body Image, LGBTQ+ Friendly Provider.
Location: Columbus, OH; Tele-Health
Crystal Seals RDN, LD, CDCES
Specialties: Adult Diabetes Management Types 1 & 2, Pre Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Weight Management, Digestive Health, Chronic Disease Prevention, Heart Health and Overall Wellness.
Location(s): OH; Telehealth
Rachel Guggenheim, MS, RD
Specialties: Eating disorders, disordered eating, functional medicine, osteoporosis, food intolerances, women’s health, heart health, general wellness, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, weight management and meal planning.
Licensed in: Florida, Ohio
Accepting clients via: Telehealth
Courtney Barth, MS, RD, LD, CPT
Specialties: Autoimmune, digestive health, food allergies, sports/exercise nutrition, prenatal/pregnancy/post-
partum/lactation nutrition, Functional nutrition Locations: Willoughby, OH; MI; Tele-Health
Heidi Morrissey (Foster), RD, LD
Specialties: Hormonal Imbalances (PCOS), GI disorders (i.e. IBS, SIBO, IBD, Celiac), and overall health/Intuitive eating, learning how to meal plan and create a balanced plate.
Locations: Cincinnati, OH; KY; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Ashtynne Kirk, MS, RD, LD, CPT
Specialties: Life.Church preferred provider, women’s health, performance and sports nutrition, functional nutrition, gut health, mindful nutrition, sustainable nutrition.
Locations: Oklahoma City, OK; Tulsa, OK; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Laura Ascenzi, RDN, LD, CSSD, CPT Program Development Coordinator
Specialties: Sports nutrition, weight loss and weight management, chronic disease prevention and management
Licensed in: New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
Appointments available: Online Telehealth
Caitlin McGinley MS, RD, LD
Specialties: Sports and Performance Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Digestive Health, Custom Meal Planning, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Loss and Weight Management, and Goal Setting.
Locations: MA; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Lauren Green DCN, RDN, LDN, CPT
Specialties: Sports Performance, Weight Management, General Well Being
Location: Prospect, PA; Tele-Health
Jillian Wagner, MS, RD, LDN
Specialties: Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Intuitive Eating, disordered eating, binge eating, cooking classes, meal planning, disease prevention, HAES aligned.
Location(s): Pittsburgh, PA; Telehealth
Jennifer McCahan, PhD, ND, RDN, LDN, CLT
Specialties: Weight management, weight loss, digestive disorders (GERD, SIBO, etc.), diabetes, food allergy/sensitivity, kidney disease, heart disease, ADD, ADHD, hormonal issues, customized meal plans, cooking lessons, cleanses, immune boosting, mindfulness, plant-based diets, general healthy lifestyle and eating.
Location: Lewisberry, PA; Tele-Health
Rhode Island
Samantha DeMello, RD, LD Professional Development Coordinator
Specialties: Disordered Eating/Eating Disorders, Mindful Eating, Intuitive Eating, Disease Prevention and Management, Low FODMAP/IBS, Plant Based Diets, Weight Management, Stress Management, Food Sensitivity, Meal Planning/Menu Building, LGBTQIA+ friendly provider
Locations: Wakefield, RI; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Shelby Chirnside (Dudley), MPH, RD, LD
Specialties: Mindful and Intuitive Eating, Body Positivity, Personalized Meal Planning, Meal Preparation Guidance, General Wellness, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Management.
Licensed in: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island
Appointments available: Bedford, NH; Online Telehealth
South Carolina
Kate Kennedy RDN, LD, CLT
Specialties: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), gut health, food sensitivities/allergies and diabetes management and prevention.
Locations: SC; Tele-Health
Ashtynne Kirk, MS, RD, LD, CPT
Specialties: Life.Church preferred provider, women’s health, performance and sports nutrition, functional nutrition, gut health, mindful nutrition, sustainable nutrition.
Locations: Oklahoma City, OK; Tulsa, OK; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health
Kristina Robles, MPH, RD, LDN
Specialties: Weight management, diabetes management, womens health, management of chronic disease, intuitive eating
Location: Texas; Tele-Health
Michelle Lee Hornsby, MS, RD, CSR
Specialties: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) management, Weight Management, chronic disease prevention and management and Intuitive eating.
Location: Virginia Beach, VA; Tele-Health