Nutrition in Motion

New Hampshire

Moving toward a Healthier you!

Amherst Family Chiropractic Wellness Center
89 Route 101A
Amherst, NH 03031

The Zoo Health Club
35 Manchester Rd.
Derry, NH 03038

New Hampshire


Holly Brassett MS,RD, LDN,CDE

Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, pre-diabetes, diabetes, cardiac health and general nutrition

Licensed in: New Hampshire, Massachusetts

Appointments Available: Via Telehealth

Request an Appointment with Holly! 



Braelynne Jurius, RDN, LD

Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, mindful eating, chronic disease prevention/management, general wellness, behavior change, diabetes, Low FODMAP/IBS, women's health, fitness nutrition, food allergies and intolerances.

Licensed in: New Hampshire

Appointments Available: Online Teleheatlh

Request an Appointment with Braelynne!

JenniLee Mark

JenniLee Mark, MPH, RD, LD

Specialties: Pediatric Nutrition and Feeding Disorders, Picky Eating, Mindful Eating, Intuitive Eating, Sports Nutrition, GI Health, Diabetes, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Meal Planning and Guidance, Stress Management and Wellness. 

Licensed In: New Hampshire & Massachusetts

Appointments Available: Via Telehealth

Request an Appointment With JenniLee!


Eileen Pierro

Eileen Pierro, MEd, RD, LD

Specialties: Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders of Adolescents and young adults, Informed Family Based Treatment for Adolescents with Eating Disorders, cholesterol and high blood pressure management, type 2 DM, Intuitive Eating

Location(s): Portsmouth, NH; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Eileen!

Shelby Dudley

Shelby Chirnside (Dudley), MPH, RD, LD

Specialties: Mindful and Intuitive Eating, Body Positivity, Personalized Meal Planning, Meal Preparation Guidance, General Wellness, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Management.

Licensed in: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island

Appointments available: Bedford, NH; Online Telehealth

Shelby is not currently accepting new clients.

Jaclyn Fodor

Jaclyn Fodor, RD, LD

Specialties: Meal planning, mindful eating, weight management, chronic disease management, digestive disorders, family and child feeding dynamics, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, food sensitivities and women’s health

Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire

Appointments Available: Via Telehealth; in your Workplace!

Request an Appointment with Jaclyn!

Samantha DeMello

Samantha DeMello, RD, LD

Specialties: Disordered Eating/Eating Disorders, Mindful Eating, Intuitive Eating, Disease Prevention and Management, Low FODMAP/IBS, Plant Based Diets, Weight Management, Stress Management, Food Sensitivity, Meal Planning/Menu Building, LGBTQIA+ friendly provider

Locations: Wakefield, RI; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Samantha!

Laura Ascenzi

Laura Ascenzi, RDN, LD, CSSD, CPT

Specialties: Sports nutrition, weight loss and weight management, chronic disease prevention and management

Licensed in: New Hampshire, Pennsylvania

Appointments available: Online Telehealth

Request an Appointment with Laura!


Michelle Horan, RD, LD

Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, oncology nutrition, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management

Locations: Derry, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Michelle! 

Briana Bruinooge

Briana Bruinooge, RD, LD, CSSD, Certified Personal Trainer

Specialties: Performance nutrition for athletes, weight management, meal planning, motivation/goal setting and positive body image awareness

Locations: Portsmouth, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Briana!


Suzanne Eastwood, RD, LD

Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, pregnancy and post-partum nutrition, gestational diabetes, peri and post menopausal nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management

Locations: Amherst, NH; Bedford, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Suzanne!


Jeanette Schaible, RD, LD, CLC

Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention and management, meal planning, digestive issues, mindful eating, body positivity, food enjoyment, family health, wellness

Locations: Stoughton, MA; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Jeanette!


Patricia Murray, MeD, RD, LD

Specialties: Pediatric nutrition, special dietary needs for children, food allergies, peri and post menopausal nutrition, weight loss and weight management, chronic disease prevention and management

Licensed in: New Hampshire

Appointments Available via: Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Patricia! 


Carrie Lyons, MS, RDN, LD

Specialties: Weight loss and weight management, intuitive eating, health coaching, chronic disease prevention, cardiovascular disease, wellness, family nutrition

Locations: Dover, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Carrie! 

Danielle Ewing (Bourgeois)

Danielle Ewing (Bourgeois), RDN, LD

Specialties: Gastrointestinal disorders/gut health, behavior modification, exercise & sports performance nutrition, meal planning and preparation

Licensed in: New Hampshire

Appointments Available: Via Tele-Health

Request and Appointment with Danielle!

Gina Bates

Gina Bates MS, RD, LD

Specialties: Chronic disease management and prevention, weight management, family nutrition, meal planning and preparation, motivation and goal setting

Locations: Bedford, NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Gina! 

Kristine Miklos Headshot

Kristine Miklos, MS, RD, LDN

Specialties: Chronic disease management, weight loss/management, gastrointestinal diseases (including but not limited to; low fodmap, IBS-C/D, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, Colitis), gastroparesis),  cardiovascular health, diabetes prevention/management, meal planning, and food allergies.

Licensed in: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Washington DC

Accepting Clients Via: Telehealth

Request an Appointment with Kristine!


Caitlin McGinley MS, RD, LD

Specialties: Sports and Performance Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Digestive Health, Custom Meal Planning, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Weight Loss and Weight Management, and Goal Setting.

Locations: MA; NH; Worksite Wellness; Tele-Health

Request an Appointment with Caitlin!