Nutrition in Motion

New York

Moving toward a healthier you!

Nutrition counseling via telehealth available across New York!

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Alicia Petracca, RD, CDN

Specialties: General Wellness, Gut Health, Gastrointestinal Disorders (IBS, IBD, Celiac, GERD), Chronic Bowel Irregularities (Diarrhea, Constipation), Low FODMAP, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Prevention, Plant-Based Nutrition

Licensed in: New York

Appointments available: Via telehealth

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Jeanette Giacinto, MS, RD, CDN

Specialties: Functional Nutrition, General Wellness, Weight Management, Women's Health (Fertility, PCOS), Hormone Support, Gut Health, Gastrointestinal Disorders (IBS, IBD, GERD)

Licensed/Certified In: New York

Appointments Available: Via Telehealth

Mabel Lee Justine Rosado

Justine Rosado, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES and Mabel Lee, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES

Specialties: General Wellness, Diabetes, Weight Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Pregnancy Nutrition

Licenced in: New York

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Sinem Gunes-Cetinkaya

Sinem Gunes-Cetinkaya, MS, RD, CDN, RYT-200

Specialties: Weight Management; Digestive Issues; Diabetes; Health Coaching; Behavior Modification

Licensed in: New York

Accepting Clients: Via Telehealth

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Emily Buchholtz

Emily Buchholtz, RD, CDN, CSO

Specialties: General Wellness, Behavior Change & Emotional Eating, Weight Management, Vegan & Vegetarian Diets, Anti Inflammatory Diets, Cancer (including symptom management during treatment and cancer survivorship), Prediabetes, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Gastrointestinal Disorders (Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, GERD)

Location(s): Manhattan, NY; Tele-Health

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Jacqueline Wyman MS, RDN, CDN

Specialties: General health and weight maintenance, weight loss, meal planning, family nutrition, chronic disease prevention, gastrointestinal disorders, low FODMAP, gut health, PCOS, cardiovascular health, pre-diabetes and diabetes management, nutrition for mental health, breast cancer nutrition support and survivorship.

Location(s): Westchester, NY; Tele-Health

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Chelsea Oarr, RD, CDN

Specialties: Eating Disorder Recovery (AN, BN, BED, ARFID, OEDNS); Meal Prep & Planning (Budget Conscious), Intuitive Eating; Weight Management; Behavior Change & Emotional Eating; Sports Nutrition; Chronic Disease Prevention

Location(s): NYC; Tele-health; Worksite Wellness

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Tiffany Ong, RDN, CDN

Specialties: Sports Nutrition, Weight Loss, Sustainable Nutrition, Intuitive Eating.

Locations: NY; Tele-Health

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