Make your eating routine work at work!
Do you ever look at the clock during a work day and realize, “wow its already 2pm, I haven’t eaten anything since 8am!” Whether you are in the office or working from home, it is almost too easy to have work consume your day. Some people are too busy to eat, some people do not feel hunger throughout the day, and some people use coffee as their main source of fuel. Whatever the reason may be to not eat, it is important to understand the benefit to a healthy eating routine.
When we go too long without eating, we may feel hungry, lightheaded, a little irritated towards our co workers and the second we get home from work we over consume food at night. If you resonate with any of these feelings or actions, know that food can help!
Food is the fuel source for the body and mind. Consuming a balanced meal every 3-4 hours will help improve energy levels, regulate hunger, regulate blood sugar levels and improve productivity at work.
Here are some quick tips to follow a healthy eating routine during the workday:
- Pick the right types of foods! Make sure when you consume a meal or a snack, it includes a protein, carbohydrate and fat source. The combination of the three will provide your body with energy and help keep you full for a while.
- Sources of carbohydrates: fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains, potatoes, dairy products, legumes
- Sources of protein: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds
- Sources of fat: nuts, seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, dairy products, fatty fish, oils, olives
- Be prepared. Prioritize meal planning and prepping so you know to bring snacks/lunch to work. If your office includes snacks, make sure there are always some healthy options available. It is a great idea to keep nonperishable snacks at your desk as a backup plan. If you work from home, plan ahead with options that are already prepared for you to quickly grab from your fridge during the workday!
- Fit eating into your schedule. One of the main reasons we do not eat frequently throughout the day is because we do not have enough time! However, eating should always be a priority, as it will improve your productivity at work. Block/rearrange your schedule to allow 20-30 minutes for meals and 10 minutes for snacks.
It can be difficult to start following a routine, especially when work is stressful and time management is an issue. Each workday, make an effort to implement these 3 easy tips to improve your short and long term health.
Nutrition in Motion has a variety of worksite wellness programs to educate and assist employees when it comes to healthy eating patterns and sustainability. Please reach out if interested!
Looking for more ways to create work/food balance? Schedule some time with Jessica to talk about reaching your wellness goals! REMEMBER, VISITS WITH A REGISTERED DIETITIAN ARE COVERED BY MOST INSURANCE CARRIERS FOR IN-PERSON AND TELE-HEALTH VISITS. ASK US A QUESTION OR REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT TO LEARN MORE!